Ski Swap
Hesperus Ski Patrol
Hesperus Ski Patrol (HSP), a member of the National Ski Patrol (NSP) has been promoting safe skiing practices and EMS (Emergency Medical Service) Services at Ski Hesperus for over fifty years. As an all volunteer organization, our patrollers participate due to our passion to provide emergency response at the highest level. Yes, we like to ski a little too. Our EMS qualifications range from OEC (Outdoor Emergency Care), an EMS certification regulated by the NSP, EMT's, Paramedics, RN's, RNP's, and MD's. The OEC certification can be obtained through HSP instructors. Please see contact information below to inquire about becoming a Hesperus Patroller.
Young Adult Patroller Program
Benefits of Service
HSP conducts an annual Ski Swap for the purpose of raising our organizational support. These funds are used for purchasing equipment and supplies, maintaining our patrol room facility, and continuing training education. DON'T FORGET SWAP VOLUNTEERS SHOP EARLY ON FRIDAY NIGHT.